Mindfulness and Skin Care

Mindfulness and Skin Care

We’re living in an era in which self-love, mindfulness, and meditation are all considered pillars of “self-care”. But what does that look like in practice? These concepts can seem so large and unobtainable, especially when there is no clear guidance about how to put “self-care” into action. 

To us, self-care means self-commitment. It means showing up for yourself every day. It means feeding both your body and soul with the proper nourishment it needs to feel ready for the day ahead. So, let’s talk about what that means for skincare.

Adding Mindfulness to Your Skin Care Routine

You don’t need to spend an hour lying on the floor in silence to practice meditation. Meditation does not have to be a “clearing of the mind”, in fact, it’s just the practice of letting your thoughts come and go while observing them without judgment. You can do this while you brush your teeth, while you shower, or while you move throughout your skincare routine. 

Let’s talk about ambiance. If you are not accustomed to getting “in the zone” with mindfulness, adding a little ambiance to your routine can help center you and make you more present. 

Here are a few ways you can kick the day or night off right:

  • Light a candle
  • Play a relaxing instrumental track, or your favorite music
  • Put on comfortable clothes

Now that you’re ready to begin, start activating all your senses. Notice the smell of the candle, notice the sound of the music (or the quiet), notice the feel of the clothes – and take each of those senses into your skincare routine.

  • Cleanse: While cleansing your face with a gentle cleanser, really feel the water as it splashes on your face, notice the way the product makes your skin feel. Rather than trying to get it over with, take a moment to enjoy the activity.  
  • Roll It Out: With this roller, gently roll out your face and neck to give your fine lines and wrinkles relief from the day. While you do so, try to center your thoughts on gratitude. In the morning, think about one thing you’re looking forward to, and in the evening, think about one thing you’re grateful for. Taking a moment to give thanks within your daily routine will help ground you going forward.
  • Moisturize: Moisturizer is one of the most important parts of this skincare routine. Therefore, keep your mindfulness simple. As you apply the moisturizer, focus on your breathing. You’ve activated your senses, you’ve given thanks, and now – just breathe. If thoughts come, let them pass. Practice appreciation for the skin you’re in, and it will thank you. 

Mindfulness can seem intimidating, especially if you’re new to the idea. But realistically, we all participate in mindfulness every day. The more intentional you make your mindfulness practice, the better it will make you feel. Use your skincare routine as an opportunity to practice mindfulness every day, and you might even notice the signs of stress fall away from your skin. 

For more tips and tricks about how to empower mature skin, visit the Fièra Cosmetics blog.

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