Here’s How Your Skin Changes After 40

Here’s How Your Skin Changes After 40

If you’ve ever held a newborn baby, you know why everyone is obsessed with getting the softest skin possible. The protective layer that babies develop in the womb leaves them with a soft, supple texture that many people spend most of their adult lives trying to get back. 

But why is it so hard to keep our youthful skin as we age? What are the expected skin changes after 40? And what are some real remedies to help? 

Our skin responds to a litany of things that happen both internally and externally as we age. Being the largest organ, our skin is ever evolving, and therefore, it’s super normal to watch it change over time. 

Aging is not bad nor dangerous. However, production of new skin cells slows significantly as we age. 

So, how can you take the best care of the skin you’re in? Here are some of the most common changes in your skin that happen after 40, and how to help. 

  • Skin Becomes Dry

Everyone has a different skin type. Most dermatologists tend to categorize these into: dry, oily, or combination skin types. 

What most people don’t know is that your skin type can change over time. 

Perhaps you remember having oily skin as a teenager. Excessive oil can be the leading cause of acne in most pre-teens, and teenagers alike. But as we grow older, our body produces less oil, therefore leading to drier skin. 

You might notice it in colder weather more, because dry air also dries out our skin. That’s totally normal – but remember, moisturizer is key!

What you can do: Moisturize your face and neck twice a day. Then, lock in your moisturizer with sunscreen, even if you don’t think you’ll need it. 

  • Skin Develops Wrinkles

When we’re young, it’s easy to forget about long term sun damage. Most of the time, we don’t even see the results of sun damage until decades after the fact. 

However, excessive sun exposure can actually speed up the aging process, and leave anyone with fine lines or wrinkles. 

That said, sun is not the only thing that can cause wrinkling. Smoking, eating poorly, consistent lack of sleep and/or not staying hydrated will make it way easier for your skin to show signs of aging before expected.  

Of course, these changes aren’t typically noticeable until later in life, but it’s important to understand how to protect your skin as early as possible.

Lines getting you down? Try these: Ease some of your fine lines with concealer and make time for this rose quartz face & neck roller during your daily skin care routine.

  • Skin Becomes More Delicate

Overtime, your skin loses elasticity. When we produce less and less collagen, our skin loses the ability to stretch, and therefore becomes thinner and more fragile. 

Additionally, as the skin becomes thinner, it might be easier to see blood vessels or pores a little easier. 

Cosmetically, thinner skin might be less than ideal, but it’s totally manageable. Just make sure to pay attention to your skin as it thins, in order to prevent any avoidable irritations or infections. 

For special care: In addition to moisturizer, give serums a chance. Worried about your collagen levels? Look for collagen supplements online, or in most grocery stores.

Want More?

Skin changes after 40 do not have to be daunting, or dangerous. For more products to help with skin changes after 40, click here.


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