How To Stop Being Such A Perfectionist

Have you ever been described as a “perfectionist?” For some, it can be a point of pride. Having a vision, or a goal, and being detail-oriented, or meticulous isn’t necessarily a bad thing. 

But when perfectionism starts getting in the way of your everyday life, and your happiness, it can be a problem. At Fièra Cosmetics, we acknowledge many of the difficulties women face, and today, we’re here to talk about perfectionism. 

What Are The Traits of Perfectionism?

Here are a few traits that perfectionists often embody:

  1. Setting unrealistic standards 
  2. The inability to accept anything less than “perfect”
  3. Highly critical of self and others
  4. Struggle to trust others to complete a job well
  5. Procrastination of things that risk failure
  6. Entirely result-oriented

You can see how this might become problematic in both an individual’s work life and personal life. Additionally, being a perfectionist can deeply affect the way a person thinks about themselves both mentally and physically. 

Perfectionism is sometimes driven by the fear of failure so strongly that an individual cannot fathom the concept of operating under any circumstance in which they do not excel. It can be unhealthy for the individual, and those around them. 

Plus, a perfectionist can struggle with simply enjoying life. Instead of embracing the journey, finding joy in the process, they focus on what they “should have” done or “could have done.” 

They only see “flaws.” 

How To Change That

For many, being a perfectionist is something that probably developed at a very young age. Arguably, it can be a personality trait a person is just predisposed to. 

Or, it can be something born out of circumstance. Perhaps driven by the power of association, or a particular person they strive to impress. In any case, “old habits die hard.”

Telling a perfectionist to “stop being a perfectionist” is not going to change anything. Telling yourself to “stop being a perfectionist” is not going to change anything. 

But fear not. For anyone looking to break away from some of those patterns, there are a few things you can try!

  • Reflect

Have an honest conversation with yourself. Do you experience any of the traits mentioned above? Does perfectionism prevent you from taking joy in the process, and from celebrating your accomplishments, no matter what? 

Recognizing your perfectionism and how it plays a role in your life is the first step to making a change. 

It can be scary. Women are especially prone to expecting perfection from themselves in every possible way. Letting go of those reigns takes time and practice. But first, it takes acknowledgment. Then, it takes a few reminders.

  • Remind

As you go through this journey, you need to practice grace and forgiveness. Remind yourself that all humans are fallible, and making mistakes is a part of life. Making mistakes will help with growth, self-confidence, and the ability to live freely. 

Give yourself permission to be imperfect. Slowly but surely, you might end up finding peace in simply doing your best. And remember, your best is enough. You are enough. 

  • Develop

This is where the world of beauty comes in. Even after you have decided that perfectionism is not serving you well, the beauty standards upheld by society might push you down that dark path once again. 

For women, obsessing over a specific weight, or appearance is all too common. Even if we’re not predisposed to see ourselves as “broken” or “less than,” we’re pedaled products to help “fix” blemishes, imperfections, and anything deemed unfavorable – depending on the trend that week. 

To overcome perfectionism, especially regarding physical appearance, you can choose to develop your own personal standards. Your own set of rules. It might seem scary, or against the grain, but by giving yourself permission to fail, and to grow, you can feel empowered. You can feel free. 

Learn To Love

Loving oneself is possibly the greatest act of rebellion a woman can choose to embrace. You’re not defined by your perfectionism. Start small; find joy in the little things. You might be surprised how far you’ll go, and how free you’ll feel. 

Find out more tips for women, and what Fièra is doing to empower aging women within the world of cosmetics. 

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